Interview with director Lior Sperando (PEOPLE OF NOWHERE)

PEOPLE OF NOWHERE,  directed by Lior Sperando, was the winner of Best FILM at the July 2016 Under 5min. FEEDBACK Film Festival. It was one of the most popular films that has ever played at the festival.

Matthew Toffolo: What motivated you to make this film?

Lior Sperando: I have heard and read different opinions about the wave of Syrian refugees who try to make their way in to the EU.

But Seeing the people behind the headlines with my own eyes, and feeling their deep struggle, broke my heart.

I wanted to show what I saw in the Greek island.

MT: From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film?

LS: The shootings took about a week and the post another month.
So 5 weeks all together

MT: How would you describe your short film in two words!?

LS: Humanity first

MT: What was the biggest obstacle you faced in completing this film?

LS: The shootings were very complex physically and also mentally.
Trying every day to avoid the medias circus in order to get the raw emotions was a pain but also a success

MT: What were your initial reactions when watching the Toronto audience talking about your film in the feedback video?

LS: I would never guess this film will get so popular. Hearing people from all over the world watching and sharing the film with their friends and families was. A really great surprise!

MT: How did you come up with the idea for this short film?

LS: While the world was so busy labeling this crisis from left to right. I tried to show another perspective.

MT: What film have you seen the most in your life?

LS: Ahh.. Probably Robbin Hood /:


MT: What is next for you? A new film?

LS: Since “People of Nowhere” –

I was able to make another short film with the same concept of
Giving a voice to a muted community, this time in Ethiopia:

Watch the Audience FEEDBACK Video of PEOPLE OF NOWHERE:

Interviewer Matthew Toffolo is currently the CEO of the WILDsound FEEDBACK Film & Writing Festival. The festival that showcases 10-50 screenplay and story readings performed by professional actors every month. And the FEEDBACK Monthly Festival held in downtown Toronto on the last Thursday of every single month. Go to for more information and to submit your work to the festival.

By matthewtoffolo

Filmmaker and sports fan. CEO of the WILDsound Film and Writing Festival