Interview with director Paula Neves (PUMPKIN)

Paula Neves’ short film “PUMPKIN” played to raves reviews at the February 2017 Romance FEEDBACK Film Festival. It was an honor chatting with her about her short film and what’s next.

Matthew Toffolo: What motivated you to make this film?

Pumpkin is my thesis film in school. I saw the opportunity to make something good and I wanted to honored Dan.

From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film?

I started writing the script in April 2015, we finish shooting in November and post-production ended in March 2016.

How would you describe your short film in two words!?

Heart breaking.

What was the biggest obstacle you faced in completing this film?

Was making sure everyone would understand and connect with all three characters.

What were your initial reactions when watching the Toronto audience talking about your film in the feedback video?

It honestly made me really happy. It’s amazing how good it feels to see the story you told, making people feel something. I really appreciate all the thoughts and comments everyone said about the movie. It’s really rewarding.

AUDIENCE FEEDBACK VIDEO of the short film:

How did you come up with the idea for this short film?

This film is based on a real and personal story. I wanted to make my personal eulogy and tell the story of this amazing person, that was Daniel.

. What film have you seen the most in your life?

Either Spirited Away or Pride and Prejudice. I actually know all the lines by heart, in both movies.

What is next for you? A new film?

Yes! We are currently in post-production of True Colors. A movie about a synesthete guy who sees everyone orange, meeting a girl with blue aura for the first time. It’s a visual experience and artistic way to connect and represent synesthete people.



Interviewer Matthew Toffolo is currently the CEO of the WILDsound FEEDBACK Film & Writing Festival. The festival that showcases 20-50 screenplay and story readings performed by professional actors every month. And the FEEDBACK Monthly Festival held in downtown Toronto, and Los Angeles at least 2 times a month. Go to for more information and to submit your work to the festival.

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By matthewtoffolo

Filmmaker and sports fan. CEO of the WILDsound Film and Writing Festival

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